Employment Services
RAMP’s Employment Services (ES) has been providing assistance and support to people with disabilities seeking employment through the Ticket to Work program (see Employment Network below) and otherwise since 2012. All employment services are geared toward community-based, integrated employment. Peer support and mentoring are significant aspects of the services participants receive from ES. In fact, a majority of our ES staff have personal experience with disability and some of us have been on Social Security benefits at some point in our lives. You can take comfort in knowing that we understand the questions and concerns that you may have about returning to work because we have been there. You will receive support and encouragement from people who have left benefits and successfully returned to the workforce.
Who do we assist?
If you are in current pay status under the Social Security Administration’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs and are between the ages of 18 and full retirement age you are eligible for services through the Ticket to Work program. RAMP is an Employment Network with the Ticket to Work Program and has a contract with Social Security to provide services. This program is strictly voluntary on the part of the consumer/beneficiary. Employment Network also has the option of whether to accept a consumer’s ticket.
How do we assist?
RAMP will provide the following services: benefit counseling, job readiness, job development, and case management.
RAMP Employment Services can link you to a Certified Work Incentive Counselor that serves all of RAMP’s counties. The CWIC will evaluate the consumer’s past and current SSDI/SSI benefits and ensure that the consumer understands how working will affect their benefits.
RAMP will work with the consumer to determine abilities and skill level, prepare a resume, arrange and conduct mock interviews, arrange job shadowing with community partners, provide information on local transportation systems to get to a job, and make sure the consumer has an appropriate wardrobe.
RAMP will develop an individual work plan (IWP) for each consumer and then assist them in locating potential employers.
Once employed, RAMP will maintain regular contact with each consumer to assist with barriers to work, regular problems at work, opportunity analysis for promotion and continuous benefits counseling, as needed.
Contact Jeremy Munson, Employment Services Manager
Or call toll free at 888-668-0777
How Do I Get Started?
Complete either the online Referral Form or the printable/pdf fillable Referral Form by answering each question and submitting by fax to 815-968-7612 or email to [email protected]. Once a referral is received, a staff person from RAMP will follow up with you. If you do not have access to a fax machine or email, please contact the RAMP office at 815-968-7467 or call toll free 888-668-0777 and ask for more information on the Employment Services program.
Your first step to reducing dependency on benefits
Once we receive your responses in our office, they will be reviewed and evaluated. A staff person from RAMP will follow-up with you to discuss your answers and, if appropriate, to continue the process.
Job Seeker Group on Facebook (LINK)