Become a Personal Assistant

RAMP assists individuals with disabilities in obtaining the skills to hire and maintain Personal Assistants/Individual Providers (PA/IP). PA/IPs assist with household tasks, personal care, appointment scheduling, and money management, and, with the permission of a doctor, certain health care procedures. PA/IPs are selected, employed, and supervised by individual consumers. RAMP maintains a list of Personal Assistants/Individual Providers and provides that list to the consumers we serve.

Becoming a Personal Assistant/Individual Provider is a TWO STEP process.


Complete the Personal Information Form by printing or filling out the fillable pdf saving it and emailing it as an attachment to: [email protected]. You may also fill out the form in person.




Attend a mandatory orientation.

If interested in working as a Personal Assistant (PA) / Independent Provider (IP) and would like to be placed on RAMP’s PA/IP list please read the guidelines below. 

  • This is not an application for employment.
  • RAMP is not the employer. PA’s report to and work for the Consumer who are most often paid by the State of Illinois Department of Rehab Services (DRS). In some circumstances the consumer may be self-paying for services.
  • All decisions to hire or terminate the services of a Personal Assistant / Individual Provider are made by the consumer and not the responsibility of RAMP.
  • Potential PA’s/IP’s will be invited to a mandatory unpaid PA/IP Orientation. Potential PA’s/IP’s have two months to complete the PA/IP Orientation. After the above requirements are met, the PA’s/IP’s name is added to the PA/IP Referral List.
  • Wages for Personal Assistants/Individual Providers are paid through the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) and/or the individual requiring assistance (the consumer), NOT RAMP.
  • RAMP does not give PA’s/IP’s a list of Consumers to call nor does RAMP find a job for the PA/IP. RAMP simply places the PA’s/IP’s name on a referral list that is given to active RAMP consumers who are looking for PA’s/IP’s.  Consumers decide who to call.
  • This is not guaranteed employment. Some PA’s/IP’s receive a call right away, some do not.